Heal Your Heart

Heal Your Heart

Have you ever experienced pain in your life? How have you learned to respond as a result of the pain you endured? Have you learned to fear and avoid certain activities to not feel pain again? Or have you worked through the pain in preparation for something better?

Our heart is our power center and through it we connect to life. King Solomon once wisely said, “Guard your heart for it’s the wellspring of life.” I know my heart is currently going through some major healing. It is my responsibility to heal my heart; in order to create an incredible life where I am aware of my feelings, needs and wants. Allowing someone untrustworthy into my life and disappointing me time and time again is something I have to take responsibility for and change who I let near my beautiful heart.

If you’ve been hurt or lost someone you love, you must grieve! You must heal your heart. It takes time to get to know who you are and what you want and need. The more you listen to your heart, the stronger the connection you will have to yourself. We have all been blessed with a heart and mind, both require protection. Who you surround yourself with has the most profound effect on your well-being. Listen to your heart and ask yourself how you feel and what feels good?

I have experienced deep pain this year; however, I would not trade the lessons and love I gained. I miss Copper with my entire heart. His death has shown me any relationship worth keeping has to be based on mutual respect and caring. It is time to take care of your heart and heal old wounds to allow unconditional love and great opportunities to flow into your life. Take care of yourselves and love with all your heart!

Crystal Rasmussen Photography