

My Dad and I had a near death experience in Alberta early this week. We both seen an oncoming semi truck with a gravel trailer hit into the car we were in on the way to the airport. I closed…

Back to You

Back to You

The road that leads to happiness leads back to you. If ever in this life, you want to experience clear communication you must communicate with yourself first. There has been a cultural lie that happiness is in relationship with another….

Thoughts and thinking

Thoughts and thinking

If we want happiness and peace then one must have a total psychic change to achieve it. Ask yourself what thoughts and actions lead to peace of mind? Desires direct our thoughts, desire first starts in the mind and we…

Inside Out

Inside Out

It’s been five years since I choose to save my own life and do the work necessary to have peace and happiness. Today hurt my heart as I went to a student I taught in grade 7’s funeral. I taught…

Spiritual Activity

Spiritual Activity

The mind, body and spirit are intrinsically connected, yet our spiritual selves are often neglected. If one wants balance in their life, then all aspects of our being must be taken care of. These days, I am on no form…

Life Celebrations

Life Celebrations

Life is meant to be celebrated! Celebrate all the ways you take care of yourself; celebrate your successes, blessings, the people you love, the planetary changes and your freedom. Celebrate life! I feel like I’m batting 1000 these days. I…

Your Magnificence

Your Magnificence

The age old saying, I wish I knew now what I didn’t know then, resonates for me right now. I sure wish I realized my magnificence and worth as I entered into the world. Instead, it has been quite the…

Repeated Lessons

Repeated Lessons

It’s actually an interesting phenomenon when someone learns soul lessons and overcomes repeated patterns they’ve experienced. I’m sure many of you can identify with parts of your life that were not working and almost miraculously you were able to overcome…

Sunshine of the Soul

Sunshine of the Soul

Summer has sure flown by. What would you say you enjoyed most or made the most difference to you this summer? What lessons did you learn? Time certainly continues to pass yet are we making the most of our days?…

Teaching Kindness

Teaching Kindness

What is kindness? When was the last time you were kind to someone else? How can we expect people to be kind to others when they are not kind to themselves? How do we teach kindness? Kindness is being considerate…