

Have you ever tried something new? Even though, you felt completely vulnerable and scared to fail, did you push through and do it anyway? How do you cope with fear and self doubt?

Most people have an inner critic and some are relentless. Unfortunately, it’s too common to judge ourselves in a negative way. Positive affirmations are a way undue negative self talk. Affirmations are statements that are repeated. We all have unconscious negative self doubt we think and say, so it’s important to become aware about the way you think about talk about yourself.

This past weekend, I did something I’ve never done in front of an audience. At first, I thought about cancelling. I hadn’t felt insecure like that in a long time; feelings of fear did overcome me. Thankfully, I did not stay stuck in that fear and repeated to myself affirmations and went ahead and did what I was nervous to do. I have to say, I’m glad I did and as a result my confidence grew.

Vulnerability can be a good thing. Sometimes, you have to step out of your comfort zone to grow. It’s about time, we all stop judging ourselves so harshly. There is nothing innately wrong with you. There might be parts that need some work, but you are not an incomplete, lacking person. See yourself in a positive light and keep being challenged to try something new.