Archive For October, 2015

Easy Going Friends

Easy Going Friends

It’s easy to spend time with people you feel comfortable being around. Friendships that are effortless are the best kind to maintain. I certainly enjoy the company of folks that make me laugh. Laughter is glue in any relationship. Friendship…



I definitely enjoy Halloween! I’ve always enjoyed dressing up and making Halloween memorable for the children I have taught. Over the years though, I have developed a distaste for the ways in which we are teaching our youth to acceptably…

Inducing Shame

Inducing Shame

The way we talk to children has profound and lasting effects upon them. Keep in mind, parents are rock stars in the eyes of their children; therefore, the words parents speak matter. Name-calling and using put downs around children teach…

Poverty and Education

Poverty and Education

As an educator, I am all too aware of the correlation between literacy and poverty. I have taught many children over the years who have not had the opportunity to develop and flourish within their education experience as a result…

Care Free

Care Free

Being present in the moment allows people to be free of fears and worries. When we allow ourselves to live in the present moment, our egos do not have a hold on our conscious mind. When I dance and sing,…

Good Old Fashioned Love

Good Old Fashioned Love

The greatest spiritual teachers who have walked the earth have always proclaimed the power of love. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Jesus, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy and many enlightened others knew that love is what we need more of on…



One of the surest ways to regulate your mood is to exercise. Sometimes, I forget how great I feel after a high impact workout (getting your heart rate over 150 beats per minute). Endorphins are chemicals produced in the body…



Humans have always lived in small, close social groups. The 1950’s model of people co-habiting in groups of two’s is relatively new, and so is the notion of socializing online. Expecting one person to be your one and only form…