Good Guys

Good Guys

Good guys do exist! Guys who are honest, pay their taxes, show up when they say they will, have professional jobs, respect their mothers and are compassionate. Thank goodness!

Relationships do not have to be stressful, actually they’re not supposed to be. As you learn to respect and honor yourself, you will pick healthy partners. Good guys equal healthy partners which means healthy fathers. The whole point of dating is to eventually meet someone who you can build a functional, happy life with.

Dating the same, wrong kind of people leads to the same results: break-ups and heart ache. Try doing something different, date someone who will not disappoint you. Date a person capable of loving you because they have learned to love and respect themselves. It is also imperative to select partners who have a spiritual nature. People who have a Higher Power, high self-esteem, are not impulsive and have empathy make good partners. So, yes good guys do exist; pick one!