Go Outside

Go Outside

This past week, I shared Ways To Nurture Your Spirit , one of the tips I mentioned is to go outside. One of my top ways to comfort, heal and nurture myself is to be outside. I’m most grateful I grew up in the country and spent my early years outdoors. As a result, being on the land is most sacred to me.

As I shared, I have spent the last year calling my spirit back. I made a point of going outside and nurturing my mind, body, spirit and heart. Spending time with my horses and volunteering on my friend’s farm lately has been most therapeutic. Simply walking with, Rose, in the bush in the sunlight has strengthened my spiritual connection to my Higher Power and self.

Spirit knows exactly what we need. I have been most blessed to have this time to be outdoors. I prayed today at the Manitou Ahbee Pow Wow to be lead and protected in a good way, as soon as I left I knew I needed to be outside. Last night was the Full Moon, again I prayed to the Moon to be guided; it’s through the Earth I have my most sacred connection to life and that’s what works best for me.

Our spirit is our true power, and our spirits must have that connection to the land. There is no separation, and when there is life doesn’t work as well. If you’re struggling, my suggestions are to make a fire, go for a walk in the trees, sit on the Earth, swim and allow yourself to cry if need be. The Earth will heal you.

I send you love and blessings. Honour yourself and do not allow anyone to dishonour you.

Miigwetch to you real ones for all your love and support.


Brandi xo