

You can’t make this stuff up! 2017 has been an intense year. I met several scholars I admire, worked through personal issues, was hit by a semi and I’m still smiling! I wouldn’t want things any other way than they are right now. I genuinely feel good! My energy is expanding and I feel myself moving with ease through the flow of life. I am no longer trying to control people, places or things and let me tell you life feels better!

Life is full of richness. I am learning new languages, skills and behaviours; nothing is slowing me down as I am responsible for my conscious mind and spiritual identity. I know who I feel good around, and I can easily feel the contrast of someone else’s energy who is not in the flow of life. It is what it is! We are all responsible for ourselves and at some point we must make the choice to grow up! Grow up and be functionally happy.

Another thing that has resonated this year, happiness comes from within. Nothing from the outside in is going to save anyone or miraculously make things better. Nope! Our thoughts dictate our lives, so why not at least be open to learning. Doing away with fears, doubts and insecurities will change your life! That said, if you surround yourself with people who are loaded with fears those fears are going to rub off on you. If you want to stay at the highest vibrational energy you can, then daily you are responsible for your spiritual maintenance. Not everyday is going to be easy, but it’s on you to learn how to deal with life on life’s terms.

I’m still learning! Not being on social media or watching television and being extremely selective of what I listen to, watch and who I’m around has my energy on a high vibrational level. You’re the master of your ship, the captain of your spirit; do what feels best for you!

Takk, miigwetch, gracias, marci, merci, thank you for reading!

Compliments of Marta Keller Photography

For your copy of Raising Your Consciousness