
Sex and distractions

Sex and distractions

It’s pretty important to feel loved and respected by those you are intimate with. As a whole, we often do not talk about the sacred nature of sex. Sex seems to be something we shy away from discussing. Buddhist teacher,…

Functional Relationships

Functional Relationships

Do you feel truly loved by the person you are giving your love to? If so, congrats. If not, well you have something to think about. You now are well aware that until a person has a functioning relationship with…

Mino Pimatiziwan

Mino Pimatiziwan

What do you consider to be the good life? Mino Pimatiziwan means good life in Ojibway and lately I have been asking people what do they think makes for an incredible life. First and foremost, one must have a healthy,…



What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind in this world? This past weekend, I attended a Great Aunt of mine’s funeral. I was deeply moved by the life she led and the legacy of love, hard work…

Energy Vampirism

Energy Vampirism

There is a true phenomenon that is often referred to as energy vampirism. What is energy vampirism? It is people and systems that feed off the mind, heart and spirit energy of others. We have been given intelligence. It is…

Blue Light

Blue Light

This past year, one of my favorite elders left to the Spirit world. The teaching of the Light Blue, Henry Skywater, shared will continue to live on as long as we learn and share this beautiful teaching. We all have…



Why is it important to be discerning? The more discerning you become the better you will protect yourself against people and situations that could potentially harm you. It is necessary to be aware of your surroundings and who you’re around….



What does Christmas represent? What values are you passing on about the spirit of Christmas? How many people stop to think about where the presents, decorations and other goodies come from? Considering the vast majority of items we buy come…

Love You

Love You

What makes for happy relationships? They come when people are at peace with themselves. There will never be peaceful, soulful love if both partners are at odds with themselves. How can people give what they do not have? They can’t!…

Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship

What does it mean to be a global citizen? Who really cares about this planet and its living beings? People of the heart do! Right now, there are things going on that no one should be turning a blind on…