
Yoga Practice

Yoga Practice

Yoga is an ancient practice that nurtures the mind, body and soul. Yoga was first introduced into North America in the early twentieth century. At that time, Paramahansa Yogananda, shared the spiritual and physical teachings of the ancient India practice….

Children and Prayer

Children and Prayer

Children are naturally connected to Source. Their spirits are born pure and adoring of a Higher Power’s innate love. Connecting children to spirituality and empowering them with a sense of pride in their heritage strengthens their self worth. All cultures…



There comes a time to kiss things good-bye! We have all made completions in our lives with things, people and places that no longer serve our greater good. However, there has to come a time to allow completions to come…



Expectations often lend themselves to resentment. Learning to meet one’s own emotional needs and not depending on others to meet your needs is a sure way to happiness. People can let you down. Choosing who to trust and who not…



It is not always easy to maintain your integrity especially when we’re hurt. However, choosing to do the things you’re too scared to do, not saying something hurtful when it’s all to easy too and acting in accordance with your…

Prayer and Song

Prayer and Song

Music has one of the highest vibrations on this planet especially when prayer and song are combined together. Lately, my soul has been going through some deep transformations and my heart has been grieving. Prayer has given me the strength…

Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and Meditation

Paramahansa Yogananda taught, “Stillness is the altar of spirit.” A lifetime ago, I did not pray and mediation was a weird, mystic guru pleasure. Now, my life without prayer and meditation is meaningless. I can have all the wealth, success…



Can you have a relationship with someone who is dishonest? You can’t! In fact, you can however the dishonesty would lend itself to resentment, fear, control, manipulation and desperation. Doesn’t sound like too much fun! If there is no trust…

Spiritual Fire

Spiritual Fire

What are you worth? What kind of life do you want for yourself? Your soul has a deep knowing of what is best for you. Creating a contract for yourself as to what you want and do not want in…

Fair Fighting

Fair Fighting

Let’s face it, couples argue! Relationships are full of bumps, twists, hardships, excitement, loss and repairing. How do you repair and rebuild your relationship after a disappointment? Learning to not name-call or attack your partner is a really good place…