
Yoga Practice

Yoga Practice

Yoga is an ancient practice that nurtures the mind, body and soul. Yoga was first introduced into North America in the early twentieth century. At that time, Paramahansa Yogananda, shared the spiritual and physical teachings of the ancient India practice….

Healthy Kitchen

Healthy Kitchen

I read a quote in Oxygen magazine this month, “If you have healthy food in your fridge, you’ll eat healthy.” It makes sense if you keep your kitchen stocked with healthy foods, you’ll most likely eat more nutritious foods. Having…

Go Natural

Go Natural

Our great-great grandparents ate foods that were far less processed than the foods we eat today. The foods produced today are often laden with chemicals most people cannot pronounce. Many health experts say, if you cannot pronounce the ingredients on…

The Gardens We Grow

The Gardens We Grow

Gardening season is just around the corner. Those of you garden enthusiasts are gearing up for transplanting the seeds you’ve brought to germination and getting ready to plant this years harvest. Well just like the act of gardening, our minds…

Stretch and Breathe

Stretch and Breathe

Taking time to care for our bodies is essential to overall well-being. I like to think of our bodies as the physical part of our being that does our spirit’s bidding. Taking time to breathe and stretch on a regular…

Let Go

Let Go

Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to let go and let our Higher Power work things out for us. Taking time for yourself to relax and balance your own energy is critical, if you want to…

Work For It

Work For It

My Great grandpa used to say, “You work for what you get.” Work for what you get applies to many facets of our lives. It is my fundamental belief what we put into life, we get back. If you work…

Prepare Your Own Meals

Prepare Your Own Meals

The best way to know what you’re eating is to prepare meals yourself. Meal preparation does take time and effort to shop for wholesome quality ingredients. The dividends of eating healthy meals has a plethora of benefits. We are all…

Graceful Aging

Graceful Aging

Why have we as a society vilified aging? Many societies still revere aging and consider elders to be wise and important community members. If you watch any amount of western society television, you will soon hear a clear message that…

Put In

Put In

There is a universal law that whatever you put into life, you always get back. If a person chooses to put effort into improving their quality of health, then they will see and feel progress. Whatever we feed grows; therefore,…