
Inside Out

Inside Out

It’s been five years since I choose to save my own life and do the work necessary to have peace and happiness. Today hurt my heart as I went to a student I taught in grade 7’s funeral. I taught…

Spiritual Activity

Spiritual Activity

The mind, body and spirit are intrinsically connected, yet our spiritual selves are often neglected. If one wants balance in their life, then all aspects of our being must be taken care of. These days, I am on no form…

Body Talk

Body Talk

Gabor Mate teaches that our body is responsible for protecting us. Whether or not, you realize it, your body talks to you to let you know what is safe and what is alarming to your health. Your body is your…

High Quality Food

High Quality Food

I just read a fantastic quote, “Eat like you love yourself!” Truly and seriously, if you love and respect yourself do so in all aspects of your life. If you are just starting to take better care of yourself, congrats!…

Natural Products

Natural Products

Naturally made products are intentionally created with high quality ingredients and the least amount of chemicals as possible. Natural products are not full of deadly chemicals. Fortunately, there are companies that produce such products, you just have to be willing…

Taking Care of Yourself

Taking Care of Yourself

How well do you take care of yourself? Do you tend to your emotional needs? If you are not taking the best care of yourself then what are you waiting for? Stress releases stress hormones which can generate illnesses. Burn…

Strong Muscles

Strong Muscles

Strong muscles indicate good health. A person’s habits can be easily seen by how they look. People who take care of their physical health have vitality and vigor. Muscles are attractive! Good health is sexy! Neglecting one’s overall health isn’t…

Healthy Childhood

Healthy Childhood

Healthy children grow into healthy adults. Eating habits developed in childhood become part of a child’s health regime later on in life. Children are bombarded with advertisements daily. Many of those advertisements are for sugar-laded unhealthy foods. As parents, I…

Healthier Snacking

Healthier Snacking

I think after the holiday season, many of us, require a metabolic shift in diet. Refined sugar wrecks havoc on the body in particular the pancreas organ. Traditionally in nature, sugars were limited and eaten frugally. Nowadays any supermarket is…

Physical Activity

Physical Activity

How do you take care of yourself? Are you aware of your needs and wants? We are into the swing of the holiday season and soon New Year’s resolutions will be upon us. However in this midst of things, what…