

Who wants to be around someone who is bitter? I’m sure I’m safe saying not too many people for too long. I recently was listening to a Dr. Wayne Dyer lecture where he said when you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out. If you squeeze someone who is resentful, angry and bitter what is going to come out? Well, it’s obvious whatever is inside.

I’ve allowed myself to be vulnerable sharing that the anger and resentment I’d been hanging onto was eating me alive. I’m working my stuff out, so I won’t be bitter. I’ve decided to not accept the unacceptable, I took a risk, stuck up for myself and now am fully emerged in self care.

I’m most grateful for an amazing support system who are empathetic and caring. There is no time to continue to be miserable. Today, I spent the day volunteering at a friend’s animal sanctuary. I experienced some joy visiting with a couple of the horses. It’s also a huge celebration one of the horses, my Mom and I, are adopting allowed me to rub her as she’s a wild horse saved from slaughter.

Those are the things I’m celebrating, the small everyday joys that make me feel good. There’s no sense complaining about things I cannot change, instead right now I’m doing more of what feels good, staying away from people, places and things that aren’t in alignment with me and appreciating this time I have to heal.

Be sure to check out my brand new video, How to Get More Self Confidence.

