In life, we always have the choice in how we choose to react. Recently, as I was out and about with a good friend of mine and my car was towed. We had to figure out what company towed my vehicle. We then had jumped on a bus to get to the towing company, realizing we missed our stop we had to hop on two other buses. I could have been mad, complaining throughout the bus ride. Instead, my friend and I laughed making the best of an inconveniencing situation. Throughout the bus ride, I prayed for the person who towed my vehicle and prayed that the situation resolution itself in the best possible manner. As I was about to pay the $85 fee to retrieve my car, the fella in line beside me pulled out $85 and paid for the tow. I have him a hug and thanked him for making my day.
Not all situations work out with happy endings. However, our attitudes have a major impact on how we deal with a given situation. When someone makes me angry, I pray that God/Creator bless them and grant that person happiness, prosperity and a long life. I also like to take deep breaths, breathing out the word peace and breathing in the word love. By taking time to silently centre and balance my energy, I change my state of mind in that instance. Life is never going to be perfect, but you have the opportunity to choose your reactions each and every day.