Each and every single one of us is brought to this planet for a reason. Unfortunately, many people have lost their connection to the earth, to Creator, to their purpose, and connection to others: humans, animals, plants, trees, the waters, sky, and life.
Severing this connection to our Creator has created an imbalance in all of our lives. Look around, people are drug addicted, addicted to alcohol, bad relationships, gambling, sex, cell phones, consumerism, video games, the internet, etc. Humans are a very young species, infantile actually. Without our connection to God/Creator/Earth we are lost and spiritually sick.
Prayer is a way of connecting to our higher power, ourselves and our inner child. Through prayer and meditation, we are able to self soothe, build our self-esteem, set goals, send our blessing to those we love and form a relationship with our Creator, however, we choose to see him/her.
Every single day, we need to think of all the things we have been blessed with. Gratitude is essential to a happy, healthy spirit. Far too many people take for granted all that we are blessed with. Unfortunately, most people in our society have very low self-esteem. Now, it is time we all build our self-esteem and create a life we are proud of. When you love yourself, you participate in life much differently than you do when you are not happy and accepting of yourself.
We need to wake our spirits up and live from the sacred place within ourselves. Love is spiritual and it is time, we learn to love ourselves, respect and honor others on this planet, connect to our earth and realize we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Love is our sacred bond!
You are a keeper of the Earth, you are responsible for the health and well-being of our planet. Every action you make has an impact on someone, something, somewhere on this planet. We are not seperate from the animals, we are animals and who have lost our connection to our planet and creator.
Here are some tips to help you lessen your impacts on our planet:
Sustainable Living Made Easy
● Recycle
● Buy less stuff you do not need
● Walk, bike ride, bus
● Learn about environmental issues
● Use less water
● Turn down the temperature in your home
● Buy local products
● Vote!