Archive For December, 2017



What does Christmas represent? What values are you passing on about the spirit of Christmas? How many people stop to think about where the presents, decorations and other goodies come from? Considering the vast majority of items we buy come…

Love You

Love You

What makes for happy relationships? They come when people are at peace with themselves. There will never be peaceful, soulful love if both partners are at odds with themselves. How can people give what they do not have? They can’t!…

Raising Thinkers

Raising Thinkers

Before having children it would be best if people thought and considered whether they are ready to emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually commit to raising a child. As an educator, I see more and more school age children who are…

Global Citizenship

Global Citizenship

What does it mean to be a global citizen? Who really cares about this planet and its living beings? People of the heart do! Right now, there are things going on that no one should be turning a blind on…

Good Intentions

Good Intentions

How many people do you know who have good intentions towards you? Good intentions to be kind and genuine who truly care about you and are not just being kind to get something? Those people are ones you would be…



What does it mean to be grounded in one’s self? It means you do not rely on the approval of others, you’re not desperate to believe someone’s lies and you are truly happy on your own. I feel grounded right…



You can’t make this stuff up! 2017 has been an intense year. I met several scholars I admire, worked through personal issues, was hit by a semi and I’m still smiling! I wouldn’t want things any other way than they…