Archive For January, 2017

Family Meal

Family Meal

The family meal is inherent to maintaining and establishing family connections. Enjoying a family meal together allows family members the opportunity to converse and strengthen emotional bonds. Often times, parents and care givers are busy throughout the day; however, taking…

Buying Happiness

Buying Happiness

We cannot buy our happiness; buying happiness is an illusion. There are countless numbers of people who seem to have everything yet they are still not completely satisfied. Lately, I have been taking a minimalist approach to my consumption. I…

Attention Seeking

Attention Seeking

Right now the way I see it, too many people are seeking attention outside of themselves by constantly waiting on responses from other people to validate their self-worth. It is easy to hyper-focus on something or someone outside of ourselves….

Social Relations

Social Relations

Social bonding is essential to our cognitive development. Human beings are social animals that require a sense of community and various forms of human relationships. Growing up in toxic environments often limits one’s ability to experience closeness and intimacy. Who…

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

What are you looking forward to? It is important to have goals, it is equally important to have something in mind to inspire you. We all have desires. What is the difference between someone who has a goal and someone…



Journaling can be therapeutic and reflective. I have been journaling most of my life, and it is interesting to read over journals from years gone by. There is no perfect way to write, no one recipe in particular; the key…

Healthier Snacking

Healthier Snacking

I think after the holiday season, many of us, require a metabolic shift in diet. Refined sugar wrecks havoc on the body in particular the pancreas organ. Traditionally in nature, sugars were limited and eaten frugally. Nowadays any supermarket is…



Charisma cannot be bought or sold. It is easy to feel the spirit of someone who is enthusiastic and happy. Their energy is attractive. My recent trip to Cuba made me value simplicity and the power of a positive attitude….