Archive For May, 2016

Fair Fighting

Fair Fighting

Let’s face it, couples argue! Relationships are full of bumps, twists, hardships, excitement, loss and repairing. How do you repair and rebuild your relationship after a disappointment? Learning to not name-call or attack your partner is a really good place…

Cell Phones Away

Cell Phones Away

When did we become slaves to technology? Choosing to do away with social media last year has been extremely freeing to my peace of mind. I am no longer taking selfies and editing them to add on social media sites…

Stay Present

Stay Present

You were brought to this planet to be happy! You were brought into this life to have an enjoyable time. Unfortunately, too many people complain about what they don’t want, what they don’t have and let adversities from the past…

Go Natural

Go Natural

Our great-great grandparents ate foods that were far less processed than the foods we eat today. The foods produced today are often laden with chemicals most people cannot pronounce. Many health experts say, if you cannot pronounce the ingredients on…



In this day and age, it is easy to be distracted. We can all distract ourselves with social media feeds, binge watching television, gossip and obsessing over other people. Distraction keeps a person from focusing upon their own life and…

Your Power

Your Power

How do you uphold your power in relationships? Do you have clear boundaries? Do you allow people to violate your boundaries time and time again? Not following through on your communicated intentions sets a clear message: you do not respect…