Archive For September, 2015



Surrounding yourself with beauty lifts your vibration. When you are in an area that is drab and depressing, your energy naturally shifts. Adding color and high vibrational energies like flowers, candles and crystals to your scenery is relatively inexpensive and…

Genuine Intimacy

Genuine Intimacy

The best relationships are the ones you are free to be yourself in. Intimacy is established within a relationship as people allow themselves to be vulnerable and open themselves up to another person. A true heart to heart connection is…

Your Gifts & Talents

Your Gifts & Talents

We are gifted a variety of talents. Focusing on what you can do well is a good starting point at building your self-worth. Learning to appreciate and develop your talents takes persistence and practice. Every person is naturally inclined to…

A Dog’s Love

A Dog’s Love

A dog’s love is unconditional. You can leave your dog alone for five minutes, and they are happy to see you as soon as you open the door. Dogs make mistakes; however, they acknowledge them and do their best to…

Medicine Gathering

Medicine Gathering

Where ever you are from, all the medicines you possibly need are near you. You just might not know how to work with them. Our ancestors had a much more intimate relationship with the earth. They realized that the earth…

Lake Friendly

Lake Friendly

We have a sacred connection with water, without water there would be no life on earth. What we do to the waters, we essentially do to ourselves. In traditional Ojibway culture, women are the keepers of water. Women carry children…

Family Unit

Family Unit

Dr. Sue Johnson’s words have been etched in my memory, “the most crucial building block of any society, the family unit.” Parents you are exceptional! Working to provide your children with the best you possibly can; being selfless, patient and…



Anger is not something that is meant to be controlled. Anger is a warning sign; an emotional response to the happenings in one’s life. People get angry for a variety of reasons; they’re hurt, disappointed, impatient, annoyed, etc. The point…

Bowl of Cherries

Bowl of Cherries

Life isn’t always a bowl of cherries; however, it isn’t always bad. Thankfully, we have a choice in the perspective we choose to take. Let’s face it, as North Americans, we have won the birth lottery jackpot. Right now, there…

Talk on the Phone

Talk on the Phone

Talking on the phone is becoming a lost form of communication. Adolescents today think texting is the norm, and often avoid speaking on the phone. Texting does not equate intimacy. When you talk on the phone you can hear inflections…