

It’s important to spend time outside. Right now, the weather is getting warmer, the geese are returning and people are starting to spend more time outdoors. As you get outside, you connect to the sacred energy of the earth. We are an ancient species that were once much more intimately connected to the earth.

Being outdoors feels good! I know whenever I’m needing a boost of energy I head outdoors and almost instantly I feel better! This afternoon, my students and I headed outside and we even took the time to meditate. It was nice to sit on the grass and relax. I suggest taking time to be outside and do the outdoor activities you enjoy most. Our planet is stunningly gorgeous, be sure to explore and gently enjoy her riches!

This picture is of a waterfall my friend and I hiked to in the Black Hills, South Dakota. The hike was breath taking and a solid walk. It felt amazing to be in nature on an adventure in the bush. My spirit was content and satisfied! Get outside, you’ll feel great!

Photo compliments of Marta Keller